Control Room Solutions

Creating the Optimal Control Room

Control Room Solutions

The control room is the centerpiece of a critical process—a space where the primary process is kept running or a problem is resolved. An optimal control room ensures process optimization, efficient workflows, continuity, and improved safety. Therefore, the right solutions in a control room are of paramount importance.



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Control Room

Control Room Life Cycle

At INTER, we have developed a clear methodology that we follow when realizing control rooms. This methodology is based on the Control Room Life Cycle, which consists of four phases: initiation, definition and design, realization and implementation, and use and management.

End-to-End Realization

These phases are tailored to the different stages a client goes through when renewing their control room. With this approach, we go beyond merely delivering a solution; we strive to create a control room that perfectly meets our clients’ needs. Additionally, this methodology ensures that the client is completely relieved of any burdens. By following the Control Room Life Cycle, we deliver a control room from A to Z. This means that the client can focus on their core activities while we ensure the flawless implementation of the new control room.

Control Room Consultancy

Our consultancy focuses on optimizing the functional use of an existing or new control room and minimizing potential risks in the realization and management phases. We achieve this through various concrete formats related to the control room (CONPRO, a training program, and the Performance Scan). Besides these concrete formats, we also provide customized services, such as determining functional needs, offering bespoke training, or advising on process optimization.

Control Room Setup

An optimally designed workspace supports an operator in their tasks. This includes facilities for proper and healthy working postures and the way information is presented on the desk. For example, how many different sources does the operator monitor? How many screens are needed for this? And through which technology is this set up? Setting up or redesigning a control room involves many specialties, including furniture, screens, technology, lighting, ergonomics, and infrastructure.